jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

Short Introductory Post

I'm Lucas, a very small thing on this world, studing arts in a very small piece of land. I like a lot of things like the music, the painting and the weekends. I have created this blog for the English class and to practice the lenguage more often.

7 comentarios:

  1. hi, carie depresiva good name of your site, it´s like speakin nelson of THE SIMPSONS
    take care and see you

  2. first of all lucas, you arren´t small i´m smaller than you so that thing that you write is a lie. I hope that you can practice more your english so you can pass this suject :)

  3. Lucas,
    I'm glad you finally concentrated on doing this. I'm sure if you learn how to do it, it'll be helpful.
    Check mistakes so you don't make them again:
    I'm Lucas, a very small thing on this world, studing arts in a very small PIECE of land. I like a lot of things like music, painting and weekends. I have created this blog for the English class and to practiCe the lAnguage MORE often.

  4. hi you!!!! give me your lunch!!! you know... :P see you in english. Crazy Lucky lucy doode.

  5. Hey Lucas, We were classmates during all the last year and I think I never talked with you. I'd like we could talk this year bye!!
    Pd: the thing you wrote is like a story I found it lovely

  6. Dear Lucas:
    Im wondering... what means carie depresiva? i mean, you are depressive cause you have a cavity?, or the cavity has is own percepcion of this small piece of planet and it makes it sad?.
    well, that's all for now, see ya
